Business Strategy Assessment & Certification

Only For Matchmakers With More than 5 Years of Active Matchmaking Experience

Business Strategy Assessment & Certification

Only For Matchmakers With More than 5 Years of Active Matchmaking Experience

Boost your business credibility by signing up for the most in-demand certification for experienced Matchmakers!

As an established Institute in the dating industry for almost 2 decades and certifying more than 2,500 matchmakers, we’ve come across numerous types of business models. As a result, we have insights and guidelines on what will make a matchmaking business strive versus what will not work.

In this niche market, perhaps you have experienced one or all of the following:

  • New clients doubting your credentials and professionalism

  • No resources or guidelines on how to further expand your business beyond 1-1 matchmaking
  • Unclear business organizational structure

  • Pricing models that are not attracting the right customers

Instead of spending thousands of dollars and 12-weeks on the Matchmaker certification course, we have specially designed a fuss-free and time-saving way to help you achieve your business goals! 

The Business Strategy Assessment & Certification

Get certified within 3-working-days by following these 3 easy steps: 

Step 1: Register and pay US$495.00 (That’s almost 85% savings!)
Step 2: Download the business plan form and email it to us for review
Step 3: Sign the Code of Ethics and Network

You’ll receive the digital certification and seal via email within 48 – 72 hours!

Enjoy These Additional Benefits:

  • A thorough Business Plan Review conducted by the Institute

  • Code of Ethics – Gain credibility by being part of a professional matchmakers’ global association that upholds all members’ highest ethical standards.

  • Seal and Certification that you can display on your website, with a duration of 3 years.

  • Dispute Resolutions – If at some point you have issues with clients or other matchmakers, you can come to us to help you solve it and avoid lawsuits or bad reviews. Three unresolved disputes might put your Certification in jeopardy.

  • Give you priority for press and referrals.

  • Access to the Mastermind Group – We have a Facebook group and monthly Zoom calls for certified matchmakers and dating coaches where we exchange industry knowledge and brainstorm for new ideas that will generate more growth.

  • A discount of 20% off of our annual conferences.

  • You’ll also be listed in our internal list of matchmakers.

  • Mention in the Global Love Report of your certification.

  • Free CRM access for 2 users when you join the Global Love Database.

Start Today!


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Download Now & email to [email protected]


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You’ll receive, attached to an email, the digital certificate and seal in the next 48 – 72 working hours!

Are you an active matchmaker with less than five years experience?