It’s time to update your digital certificate and seal.

Having your Certification up to date gives you many benefits like gaining credibility and visibility, expanding your network, growing your business with more referrals, possible matches for your clients, and a community of love connectors committed to spreading the love and empowering each other in the process.

Benefits of renewing your certificate:

  • Business Plan ReviewComplete the business plan and send it to us. The Institute will review it.

  • Code of Ethics – Sign it to be part of the professional matchmakers and gain credibility by being part of a global association that upholds all members’ highest ethical standards.

  • Seal and Certification that you can display on your website, with a duration of 3 years.

  • Dispute Resolutions – If at some point you have issues with clients or other matchmakers, you can come to us to help you solve it and avoid lawsuits or bad reviews. Three unresolved disputes might put your Certification in jeopardy.

  • Give you priority for press and referrals.

  • A discount of 20% off from our annual conferences.

  • You’ll also be listed in our internal list of matchmakers.

  • Mention in the Global Love Report of your re-certification.

  • 2 Free users for the Global Love Database.

The duration is of 3 years, and if you are interested in renewing it, follow the following instructions:


Pay only $250 for your renewal


Fill out the Business Plan if there are changes in your business.


Send the PDF with your responses to [email protected]


Sign the Code of Ethics and Network


You’ll receive the digital certificate and seal to your email in the next 48 – 72 hours.

It’s time to update your digital certificate and seal.

Having your Certification up to date gives you many benefits like gaining credibility and visibility, expanding your network, growing your business with more referrals, possible matches for your clients, and a community of love connectors committed to spreading the love and empowering each other in the process.

Benefits of renewing your certificate:

  • Business Plan ReviewComplete the business plan and send it to us. The Institute will review it.

  • Code of Ethics – Sign it to be part of the professional matchmakers and gain credibility by being part of a global association that upholds all members’ highest ethical standards.

  • Seal and Certification that you can display on your website, with a duration of 3 years.

  • Dispute Resolutions – If at some point you have issues with clients or other matchmakers, you can come to us to help you solve it and avoid lawsuits or bad reviews. Three unresolved disputes might put your Certification in jeopardy.

  • Give you priority for press and referrals.

  • A discount of 20% off from our annual conferences.

  • You’ll also be listed in our internal list of matchmakers.

  • Mention in the Global Love Report of your re-certification.

  • 2 Free users for the Global Love Database.

The duration is of 3 years, and if you are interested in renewing it, follow the following instructions:


Pay your renewal of $250


Fill out the Business Plan if there are changes in your business.


Send the PDF with your responses to [email protected]


Sign the Code of Ethics and Network


You’ll receive the digital certificate and seal to your email in the next 48 – 72 working hours.